Website Reboot
September 1, 2023
Moving from Jekyll to Hugo #
Over the past few years I have jumped from computer to computer before finally settling in with my current machine (Macbook Air M2). In that time I haven’t kept this website up. With my new computer I have taken the opportunity to restart development using Hugo instead of Jekyll.
Removing Support for Objects from QLogo #
Recently, I have been implementing support for objects within QLogo. I have decided to quit doing that. All code that supports objects within QLogo has been removed.
The issue for me is that objects in UCBLogo, borrowed from lisp, are designed differently than I would like.
I will revisit objects later. I have some ideas.
UCBLogo in Active Development #
UCBLogo was inactive when I started on QLogo. So one of my objectives was for QLogo to be as compatible as possible with UCBLogo. UCBLogo has gained some developers lately, and so it is alive and well again.
Because UCBLogo is now active, I have dropped the compatibility objective. QLogo is free to be its own Logo!
Which means I will have to write my own documentation. Oof.